The Commercial Boat Operators Association (CBOA) have welcomed the news that commercial barges are now able to begin transporting goods from Hull to Rotherham and Leeds via the Aire and Calder Canal once again following the reopening of the Aire and Calder Canal.
The association revealed barges are now back in operation on the local water ways following works to repair the breach in the canal bank, with barges carrying marine aggregates and barge tankers carrying lubricating oils now back in action. CBOA’s chairman, David Lowe said: “This shows the value of using barges. With all the news about HGV driver shortages, it is salutary to remember that the crew of a 500-tonne capacity barge can move that cargo more quickly than if they each drove an HGV between Hull and Rotherham or Leeds. “Barge use also fits in with the de-carbonisation agenda as research has shown that barges have for years created less emissions than heavy lorries. Using barges improves the environment and people’s sense of well-being.” The barge traffic has now resumed after repairs to the Aire and Calder Navigation were completed last month following the collapse of one of the banks near East Cowick. AC Marine Aggregates are one of the companies who rely on barges to transport their goods, and they work with Goole based Branford Barge Owners to transport products from Hull to Leeds.
Andy Collins of AC Marine Aggregates, said: “The re-opening of the canal, thanks in large to the work completed by the Canal and River Trust, has enabled us to kick start the marine aggregates business back up in Leeds, which, if the news on the effects of global warming in the last 9 months has taught us anything, is a win-win for both our customers and the environment. “A prime example of how delivery by barge is beneficial for everyone is our existing project supplying Amazon’s new distribution centre being built in Leeds by using Knostrop wharf we can massively reduce both CO2 emissions and vehicle movements.”
Barges are back on the local waterways following the reopening of the Aire and Calder Canal. (30-09-58 SU)