Young people from across our region have come together to take on Humberside Police’s Night Challenge.
Over 100 young people took part in the initiative, walking nearly 12 miles whilst completing a series of thought-provoking challenges along the way. The event is specifically designed for young people who may have a negative impression of the police and partner agencies, and aims to build positive relationships and educate them about the potential consequences of their behaviour and actions. The police force also works hard to teach young people about team work, communication, leadership and relationship building skills throughout the course of the walk. This year’s event focused on mental health as well as the potential consequences of drinking alcohol and taking drugs, with challenges designed by the teams at Humberside Police and partner agencies to help highlight the dangers.
The event also allowed the police force to demonstrate how community safety agencies work together to protect young people and tackle these issues, encouraging them to reach out to one of the organisations if they ever find themselves in trouble.
Community engagement coordinator Danielle Noguera said: “I am so pleased that Night Challenge is able to run again as it is a fantastic initiative that helps us interact with young people from all over the force area in a way that we wouldn’t normally be able to, helping to build those bonds between us and the other organisations and the young people taking part. “Once again the feedback we have had from the young people taking part - and the adults who supervised them on the route - was fantastic. I’m confident that it is a night that those involved will remember for a very long time.” Sergeant Nick Bunker from the force Community Safety Unit added: “We are delighted to be working with our partners to deliver Night Challenge once again this year. The event has been incredibly successful in previous years and the team have worked hard to ensure that this year is no different. It provides an opportunity for young members of our communities to spend time with local officers and other community safety partners in a challenging environment, building confidence, self-esteem and life skills and gaining respect for themselves, others and their surroundings.”
The Night Challenge initative is organised each year by the Community Safety Unit at Humberside police who work with local organisations to bring the story together and make the event a continued success. The initiative is run in conjunction with Humberside Fire and Rescue Service, Yorkshire Ambulance Service, Defence School of Transport at Leconfield, Yorkshire 4X4 Response, YPSS, Reachout, Yorkshire Lowland Search and Rescue, Wilberforce Chambers and Safer Roads Humber. The event has been made possible due to principal sponsors the Tribune Trust. We’d also like to thank the following for their support: Brantingham Park, Tesco St. Stephens, Compact Foods, Houltons, Lisa with The Little Butty Bus and the Local Farmers: Mr Kendall, Mr Moor, Mr May, Mr Sergeant and Mr Charlesworth.
Young people across our region took part in Humberside Police’s Night Challenge. (24-03-77 SU)