Goole and District Rambling Club have been back out walking again this April.
On Sunday, April 3 while enjoying the company of likeminded people the walkers went to Clumber Park for a 13-mile walk. The excursion included a breakfast stop en route at Blythe services and a lunchtime break durning their walk at Cresswell Crags. Clumber Park was once the country estate of the Duke of Newcastle, however it is now owned and maintained by the National Trust. The group explored the beautiful expanse of the parkland, heath and woodland that covers more than 3800 acres.
A spokesperson for the group said: “It was a lovely walk-through fields and down country lanes which led us to the pretty village of Cuckney where our coach was waiting for us. “In total we had walked 13 miles, and the group as a whole had walked around 325 miles, but it had not been too strenuous, and the pace was as usual, dictated by the ability of the group.” The group is inviting more people to join them on their walks. Full of friendly and chatty people, you’ll get the chance to explore new and interesting places that you may have not visited or known about before. Toni Sykes, who joined the group after lockdown, said: “The people are friendly and welcoming and I have made lots of friends since joining. “You don’t have to worry about keeping up as there is always a walk leader and a back marker for those those going at a steadier pace. “My advice is come along and give it a try; the benefits are improved mental and physical health, social interaction and enjoying the great outdoors.” Another member, Mike Davis added: “I enjoy the coach ride, it is relaxing, there is no stress about finding car parking and when tired at the end of the walk, no need to drive home.” “You get a day trip and guided walk for a very reasonable price and having paid the membership, it is a good motivation to turn up.”
The groups next walk is on Sunday, May 1 to Wensleydale. They plan to walk approximately 12 miles, starting at Castle Bolton and ending at Hawes with a lunch stop at Askrigg. A special offer is on for the May walk, two non-members can come along and give it a try for £40, saving £5. As Toni says, come along and give it a try, all are welcome. The booking for the May walk closes on Wednesday, April 27. For more information, email Goole.ramblers@gmail.com
Goole and District Rambling Club on their recent walk. (14-04-115 SU)