East Riding of Yorkshire Council has launched a survey to hear about residents’ health and wellbeing.
The anonymous survey is open to all residents over the age of 18 and it will help the Health and Wellbeing Partnership develop public health and care services that effectively support people in the East Riding to improve their health and wellbeing.
Andy Kingdom, director of public health in East Riding said: “It is important for us to understand the health and wellbeing of our residents, to help us plan our public health priorities, services and support for the future.
“The information we gather through the survey will help us to allocate our public health resources in a way that best meets the needs of our residents.
“To ensure we can do this well, we would like residents from all areas of the East Riding to complete the survey and we want to ensure we hear from people of all age ranges and backgrounds. In this way we can see if we are providing services fairly to all groups of people, as we work towards our ambition that more people will live healthy, connected, independent lives for longer, whatever their background.”
The survey takes around ten minutes to complete and asks questions about issues affecting residents; from cost of living, mental health and social connections to physical activity, covid and smoking and alcohol use.
Residents can complete the survey online: https://eryc.link/healthsurvey2023
Paper versions are also available on request, as are versions in braille and in different languages, by email phintelligence@eastriding.gov.uk or telephone on 01482 393939.
Carers can also complete the survey on behalf of people they are caring for.
The information gathered from residents will be used by the Health and Wellbeing Partnership to plan future public health and care services.
The Health and Wellbeing Partnership is made up of East Riding of Yorkshire Council, NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and Healthwatch East Riding.
The survey will be open for at least 12 weeks, and the results will be made public later in the year.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council is launching a survey to hear about residents’ health and wellbeing. (30-03-151 SU)